On November 1, 2023, the employment law firm Famighetti & Weinick PLLC, launched a revamped website in preparation for its 10th anniversary year. F&W anticipates that the brighter, fresher look to the website will enhance users’ experiences, while continuing to provide quality content about both the firm’s services, and employment law topics.
In 2014, F&W opened its doors. As part of its branding, F&W embraced brown colors to invoke a sense of traditional law firms’ offices which typically use woods to adorn entrances, hallways, and conference rooms. From the earliest iterations of the firm’s website to the most recent, brown played a prominent role in the firm’s web designs.
As the firm approaches its 10th anniversary year, the time has come to move away from tradition and towards embracing F&W’s own unique identity. The website’s new appearance embraces important elements from past web designs, but also introduces new colors and symbols to define the firm’s identity.